
Opened 9 years ago

#14628 new defect

Multiple Real Monitors/Screen-Sizing issue across multiple monitors

Reported by: WileECoyote217 Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 5.0.4
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


Summary, VirtualBox does not handle real multiple monitors well and tries REALLY hard to confine itself to a single screen.

Issue Fix Proposal Summary: Maybe the simplest would be some type of way to toggle this auto resize back to "full screen" on and off.

Full Details:

This is an issue that has been around for quite a few versions when using multiple real monitors. In my case, I have 6 monitors setup as 3 on top and 3 on bottom. The task is a lot more complicated then it needs to be in order to get the screen size to essentially take up more than 1 monitor. In my case, my desired screen size would be over 4 monitors (2 on top and 2 on bottom). Each of my monitors are 24 inch monitors and each are capable outputting 1920 X 1080 which is my desired resolution.

Main issue seems to be that the program gets stuck thinking that my main monitor is full screen mode. So when I use Auto Reeize, whenever I try extending the window passed the first monitor, it always snaps back to extents of the single monitor. I have confirmed that this isn't part of windows edge snap feature because I went in and turned that off.

I have limited success eventually getting it to work and it seems like I do something different each time. Sometimes I found some vboxmanage commands that did the trick, but they didn't seem to work the next time. For a while I stayed on a specific version of VirtualBox that seemed to handle this a lot better. However, my hard drive crashed on Sunday so I don't know which version that was, but I think it was a build that was like 2 years old. Last night, I tried enabled auto resize, and then dragged the corner to the size I wanted (while it was flashing back to the single screen), that tricked it into finally having the display dimensions that I needed so I turned off auto resize and was then able to size the window to how I want it. But who knows if that trick will work again.

Anyways, it would be great if the resize on dragging the edge of the virtualbox window would recognize the extent of what all the real monitors are rather then what happens to be defined by clicking full screen. Maybe the simplest would be some type of way to toggle this auto resize back to "full screen". The Full screen issue is not an issue specific to VirtualBox. All programs think that full screen is just one monitor. However, they all seem to let me resize it past one monitor easily.

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