
Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#915 closed defect (fixed)

Keyboard key repeat issue on Linux hosts => fixed in svn

Reported by: lothas Owned by:
Component: other Version: VirtualBox 1.5.2
Keywords: usb keyboard Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other


I used the common USB solution to get to use my USB camera under windows. I also have a USB wireless keyboard and mouse. When I add those to the virtual machine, I get proper input for windows (e.g.: keys stay pressed instead of being repeatedly pressed). The problem is that I'm loosing keyboard support for Ubuntu.

So, under the present configuration I can have a proper keyboard in windows at the cost of loosing it for Ubuntu (while XP is running) or I can have seamless Ubuntu+XP but without proper keyboard support.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Michael Thayer, 17 years ago

I'm sorry, but your report seems slightly confusing to me. Of course your USB keyboard will no longer be available to the host if you assign it to the guest (USB devices can not be shared, it is always an either or thing). However, you indicate that you have other problems with keyboard input when you don't assign the USB keyboard to the guest. Perhaps you could explain what they are?

comment:2 by Frank Mehnert, 17 years ago

And apart from this you should describe your setup in detail at first. Am I assuming right that you are using a WinXP guest on an Ubuntu host?

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by lothas, 17 years ago

Yes, I'm using a Windows guest on Ubuntu Host. What I found out about the keyboard was while trying a simple game. I opened Windows' Pinball right after installation but when I tried to fire the ball, by holding <space>, I noticed that I couldn't do it. So I pressed and hold <z>, which activates the left flipper. The flipper was activated and produced the proper sound but after holding <z> for a moment, it started to "tremble" as if <z> was being released and pressed again constantly at a very high rate. That also explained the fact that I couldn't launch the ball. So, summing up, when I don't give the USB keyboard to windows, I can't really press and hold any key.

I've also noticed that after shutting windows down, the usb devices don't get re-mounted for Ubuntu so I have to re-mount them myself (so far by unplugging and plugging again)

comment:4 by Michael Thayer, 17 years ago

Summary: USB keyboard getting "grabbed"Keyboard key repeat issue on Linux hosts

comment:5 by gaure, 16 years ago

Hi lothas I having the same issue with the keyboard map when the host owns the USB Keyboar. Does anyone answered you with the fix ?

comment:6 by 6uest, 16 years ago

I can confirm this bug on my "logitech" wireless USB keyboard.

comment:7 by Michael Thayer, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: Keyboard key repeat issue on Linux hostsKeyboard key repeat issue on Linux hosts => fixed in svn

#1296 was a duplicate of this. This should be fixed in version 2.1 (not in future 2.0 versions though).

comment:8 by André Neves, 16 years ago

Does anybody know the revision number that brought this fix?

comment:9 by André Neves, 16 years ago

Got it: r12652.

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